Junior School Magazine - Edition 5 (June 2018)
continued -G oodnight All day I moped around, watching TV, after all it was a Saturday. At 3:00pm I played with my friend Sophia, by the time I left her house it was time for dinner. I had spicy chicken with rice – my favourite! – Then showered and went to bed. Before long, I discovered that Annabelle was sitting on my bed, holding a note. It said, “Goodnight!” “Goodnight?” I said. “What on earth is that supposed to mean?” I soon went off to bed and forgot about all my worries. I will NEVER forget October 3 1952. I remember waking up in a dark eerie room, much like the one that was in the picture of me and Annabelle. I was lying on some sort of bench. There was no door in this room. Although, I could see a tall strip of glass that was about as wide as my arm. As I peered through the glass I could see my room. “Wait…” I wondered to myself. “No, it couldn’t be. But then again maybe it could! I’m trapped in my mirror!” As I looked around I realised that my room was a mess. My curtains where ripped, the desk was flipped over, my bedsheets where everywhere and there were books all over the floor. “What happened last night?” I wondered aloud. When I looked down, I was not wearing my nightgown. But in its place was my favourite dress – although it looked just like it did when I had it on in the picture. After a while, someone walked into my room. It was mum! I started banging my fists on the glass and screaming “HELP!” She took no notice of me – almost like she couldn’t hear me! The look on my mother’s face was a mix between shock, horror and worry. She turned on her heel and dashed out, only soon to return with my father. He whipped his phone out as fast as lightning and dialled a number. Shortly, the police where in my room investigating. I banged my fists and screamed and screamed and screamed. No one could hear me. I was alone and that is how it stayed for the rest of my life. My house was sold and brought and turned into a history museum, of course my bedroom stayed. They thought it would be fascinating to have a crime-scene. The whole room was left the way it was when I first got trapped. Now the locals say if you look into the mirror on October 3rd you can see a ghost-like girl staring back at you. And as for Annabelle, I haven’t seen her since I got the note that said “Goodnight.”
Phoebe Rogers Year 5N
JSM Edition 5
Page 39
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