Junior School Magazine - Edition 5 (June 2018)
S trange E vents – T he D eep , D ark , N ever -E nding H ole
“Reports of strange events going on at Brenda Hill College,” explained the news reporter. “Strange sounds coming deep beneath the Earth and strange weather conditions just above Brenda Hill College”. Voom! Zoe switched the TV off and said to Xavier, “And we’re on the case!” Zoe had a brown mop of hair and was known to be brave, calm, don’t-careish and very forgetful. Xavier on the other hand had ginger hair, like a carrot and was neat, very intelligent but also very nervous all the time. On this particular day, Zoe and Xavier were in their treehouse discussing the strange events at their school. Ha! Ha! Clap! Stomp! The noise in the locker room was thunderous. Zoe’s voice was hardly heard, “You know?” she asked. “I’m going to walk across to the place where the cracks of the peculiar noises are coming from.” “Are you sure?” Xavier asked timidly, he was always nervous. But nothing would stop Zoe. She marched confidently half way across until… CRACK! She paused for a moment and suddenly the ground beneath her gave way. She was only holding the edge with one hand, but she remained calm. “You coming down with me?” she called but before Xavier had time to answer, she pulled him down with her. “AAAAAHHH!” They fell down and down until… THUMP! They fell hard on the… uh… sand? Sand? Yes sand and as they looked around, they realised it was very unusual here. Not only was it unusually hot but the most astonishing thing of all were the creatures that lived here! There was heaps of water in each and every one of them. Never ending nervous feelings kept nearing towards nauseous Xavier, but Zoe stood up confidently brushed herself off (hoping that the creatures spoke English), and politely asked, “Do you know how to get to the real world?” Surprisingly the creatures did and pointed to an extravagant door with intricate designs. After Zoe and Xavier cautiously stepped through the door they came face to face with the headmistress and quickly explained what had happened and suggested that they should plug the hole up. And that’s exactly what they did.
Danielle Svoboda Year 5P
Page 34
JSM Edition 5
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