Jim's Gym Journey
Chapter 3 - The Eurostar 2.0 The second he opened the door; Jim was surrounded by the murky blue. The bubbly waves surrounded him, ruffling his hair. He looked up and saw stars. Big, bright, beautiful stars. They were moving, he realised. The stars were moving, swimming through the ocean. ‘Look at the stars,’ he marvelled. ‘I’ve never seen them move like that.’ ‘The stars that aren’t. The stars that are. How can one tell when they are that far ?’ she responded. Confused, Jim looked at her, and saw that she too was astonished by the beauty of the stars. He looked at the stars again and could just make out the bodies of whales moving through the ocean. ‘They’re whales,’ he gasped. And they were, the stars that weren’t. ‘I want to be a star; I want to be a whale.’
The stars looked so amazing from the ocean floor, among the corals and weeds. Raven was searching for something. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but she was still searching, hoping she would know it when she saw it. Jim raised his arm and pointed at something off in the distance. At first it seemed like a trick of the light , but upon closer inspection, Raven saw it. An absolutely majestic school of Australian Bass. Jim’s mouth dropped in awe. Raven almost jumped up in excitement. Then she remembered herself. She had to guide him to the end.
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