Jim's Gym Journey

must go henceforth and search for treasure of great worth. Buried down under, with no set shape, this train holds the key to our escape.” Jim couldn’t believe it. He had hoped to escape, and yet here he was, stuck on some train, with a mad woman as his only companion. Jim cleared his throat faintly, attempting to take control of the situation. “I was wondering, er, how to…how I might go about…” he stumbled gruffly, before settling for a simpler approach. “Raven. W - where are we?” The woman sighed. Why must he ask the most difficult questions? To be honest, Raven couldn’t quite pinpoint the answer herself. She settled for the definition she had been given when she first ended up in this place. “A train. The train of broken memories. The train of sadness and enemies.” “A t -train. I- I thought we were in the gym. How’d we get h -here? More so, h-how do we g-get home?” Jim still hadn’t quite grasped the technique of having a conver sation with Raven. “Magic. Magic brought us here, to the situation we’re in. The way out, that journey is now to begin. Come with me and exit this carriage. I promise you we’ll escape, but it’ll be no easy passage.” Raven pivoted on her heel sharply and strode across the roomwith a grandiose air, loose satin trailing after her like an afterthought. Jim didn’t move. He was rather pleased with the recent turn of events and wasn’t ready for the let -down that the door would bring. “Oh, come on Jim, hurry up! We have places to be, treasure to find! It’s ok if you’re worried about the door, I tell you; a world of wonder awaits behind, ” Raven complained. Jim took a deep breath. Unsure of what else to do, and frankly rather lost, he followed and together they started towards the door.

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