Jim's Gym Journey
Chapter 7 - Final Destination Jim woke up and, as he gazed around him, he saw the familiar setting of the gym, with its full- length mirrors and rows upon rows of intimidating equipment. Sighing in relief, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and, though he did not look any different physically, something had changed about him. He had this newfound energy, this aura of kindness and approachability. He wondered if perhaps his entire journey through the train had been a dream, yet it had felt so real. As if to answer his question, he noticed a ray of sunshine glinting off an object hidden behind the foot of the treadmill beside him. He was drawn to it, intrigued by its other-worldly air. He reached out for it and, with a gentle nudge, the object revealed itself to be the pastel pink camera from the final cart in the train. A broad smile swept across Jim’s face as he realised that it hadn’t been a dream. Suddenly, the polaroid camera started to whirr as a picture was dispensed. Jim stared in fascination as colour gradually appeared, like magic, on the blank film, producing an image of the luscious forest with the soaring eucalypts from the final cart. In the centre stood Raven, her mystical shawl draped over her shoulders and her vivid green eyes shining through the picture.
“Raven!” Jim exclaimed out loud, even though he was the only one in the gym. It had completely slipped his mind that he hadn’t been the only person on the train. If the camera had returned to the real world with him, then it would make sense that Raven would have too, wouldn’t it? Frantically, he jumped up and started to search for the eccentric fortune-teller behind all the gym equipment, in the supply closet, at the basketball court, in
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