Jim's Gym Journey
“The ones who hurt us the most usually are. ” Jim swallowed dryly, nodding in agreement. Holding his hands up, he edged himself towards the lizard. “Hey…I’m a friend. I just want to help , ” he began, ignoring the tremor in his voice. The lizard shrieked in response. “Err Raven. I don’t think it wants my help . ” “Let him know you’re a friend , ” she yelled from across the room. “Why don’t you tell him, ” he replied, twisting his neck to look at her. She shrugged, her bangles jingling. The lizard’s head shot up to look at her. “Wait, Raven. Do that again.” Raven obliged, waving her arms around. The animal’s head cocked to one side. “ Marvellous. ” she remarked. “Not just marvellous , that’s our way out , ” Jim exclaimed, “Keep doing that . I ’ll try remove this spear.” As Raven distracted it , Jim started to creep towards the lizard’s leg. As he approached, he heard the reptile’s breathing echoing in its chest, rising and falling rhythmically. He moved quickly, knowing any moment it could break from its trance. The wood felt cold against his palm. Breathing deeply, Jim pulled it out with one clean motion. The animal screeched as it reached around to assess the damage. Jim dodged it and ran to Raven, letting the spear fall with a clatter. The two watched as the lizard licked it’s wound before turning to face them. Sniffing them, it closed its black eyes peacefully letting the camera slide down its neck. Raven unclipped it gently from its cord and placed it in Jim’s hand. With a grunt of thanks, the lizard padded back to its corner and disappeared into the darkness. “You ok?” she asked wearily. Jim sighed heavily, nodding as he turned to look at the camera. “Yeah… yeah. Let ’ s go find that treasure." Raven grinned as he held the camera up to his eye and looked into the lens. With a look of approval, she followed Jim out of the hall and through the doorway to the next cart.
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