JSM - edition one
S igns and S ymbols - Y ear 1S
A rya B athols
A udrey A braham
S ophie C olahan
The Year 1 students have been very busy designing signs to display around our classrooms and playground, to help make our school a safer place for everyone.
A rya B athols Arya made her ‘Have fun’ sign for our school playground to encourage children to have a wonderful time during their lunches and morning teas. She used green because it means ‘go’. A udrey A braham Audrey made her ‘Do not touch’ sign for the flowers around the playground, to try and protect them from being damaged. She used red because it means ‘stop’. S ophie C olahan Sophie made her ‘Careful of snakes’ sign for the playground to warn students about snakes that might be hiding in the gardens. She used yellow because it means ‘warning’.
JSM Edition 0ne
Page 77
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