JSM - edition one
Y ear 4 B eliefs - J udaism My project was on Judaism and I wanted to build a model that represented this belief. I started working on it when I was at home with my Dad. My first idea was to build Hanukah candles but my Dad said it would be too hard to make. Then I came up with the idea to make a Torah scroll. I searched for images of the Torah Scroll handles and the pictures that came up were at a weird angles, so I had to draw them. I brought a piece of paper larger enough to be able to fit between the width of the two circles at the end of the handles. Downstairs we found two dowel sticks and I chose the thicker one to use for the scroll. Then we started making the handles. First we drew four circles on MDF wood with permanent marker, then my dad cut around the circles with a bandsaw and he drilled through the middle of the circles using the same machine. Next I cut through the dowel stick using a handsaw and I then made a draft scroll using pieces of paper that were sticky tape together and with photocopied information attached. I made the final copy with the wooden handles and brown wrapping paper. Some of the elements of my work on the Torah scroll include: Judaism images, Star of David, Synagogue doors and of information about Judaism. On the ends of the handles I placed some caps that you put on curtain rails, painted brown to match the scroll. On our excursion to the Synagogue I found out two interesting facts about Torah Scrolls. Firstly the real Torah Scrolls are about three times the size of mine and secondly they are decorated to show their importance.
P enelope D eacon Y ear 4F
JSM Edition 0ne
Page 55
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