JSM - Edition Two
Y ear 3 C amp R eflections T yalgum R idge R etreat
At camp I had a great time. I overcame my fear of heights. Before I was really scared of heights and now I’m not. My favourite activities were archery and rock hopping. The waterfall walk was exciting because going down the rocks was fun and I like going around places jumping on rocks. The damper making was fun because we got to make a campfire. The rock hopping was the best because you got to get wet.
E than G rocott Y ear 3M
At camp I had a wonderful time. I felt a little homesick. My favourite part was camping skills. We made a fire and cooked damper on the fire. Luckily we didn’t see any snakes. Unfortunately we didn’t get to do canoeing because it was too windy. I found a crystal and it looked sparkly. I expected the camp site to be a lot bigger.
J ames K irk Y ear 3M
JSM Edition Two
Page 55
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