JSM - Edition Two
Y ear 6 - P ersuasive E xposition Education to the age of 17 should be mandatory for all people around the world. I strongly agree that an education to the age of 17 should be made mandatory. Education is the process of receiving a structured guide on all aspects of life (mainly through school but not always). To gain an education, you don’t necessarily have to be seated in a school classroom to the age of 17. An example of this is home-schooling. Home-schooling provides the solution for those children who may not want to or be able to go to school. How successfully can you function in today’s society if you don’t have an education? Everyone deserves the right to an education. It’s as simple as – if you can’t read, write or do basic maths, then you won’t survive. You will not be able to get a job, buy essential products like food, read street signs, and sign your name on passports, parcels and bank accounts. All of this comes with an education. Most importantly, without an education, you won’t be able to communicate. Imagine not being able to communicate or socialise with those around you. Our generation and the many generations to come will shape the future of Earth. With the next heirs to Earth uneducated, we will have even more corrupt politics, making us vulnerable to war from other countries. Our planet, without education, would become less and less renewable and everything that our race has done to evolve will disintegrate. We may slowly revert back to our simplest forms. The equality between each of us may be forgotten because without education, we won’t learn right from wrong. Fairness will disappear and we might go backwards on the evolutionary scale. Education earns you a life. Without it, it is a constant cycle of live, eat, breathe, sleep, die and repeat. Education is the key to knowledge, which takes you places. Education is not preparation for life, edu- cation is life itself.
R iley D avenport Y ear 6M
JSM Edition Two
Page 41
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