JSM - Edition Two
A ustralia N eeds T o I ntake M ore C hild R efugees A letter to P rime M inister M alcolm T urnbull - continued • (Article 22) Children who come into a country as refugees should have the same rights as the children that are born in that country. • (Article 39) Children who have been neglected or abused should receive special help to restore their self-respect. I feel that Australia could contribute more to the manuscript on Rights of a Child and other global organisations such as UNICEF and UNCRC by increasing the intake of the number of children and helping them to live safe and happy lives. Finally, I am afraid that if we don’t contribute more, there will be many children in agony around the world. In 1989 the Convention on the Rights of the Child became the first legally international convention to support human rights for all children. While amazing progress has been made on child rights in the past 20 years, much work remains to be done. Dan Seymour, Chief of the Gender and Rights Unit of UNICEF’s Policy and Practice Division, offers his help. The script on rights of a child is an important step towards keeping children around the world safe and healthy. They made this document so children could have equal opportunities. But child refugees don’t. Their rights are challenged because they’re most likely have found themselves in poor, remote or developing countries. In some bad countries, adults or others don’t value children as Australia would do. They treat children in a very poor manner. They don’t give them shelter, food and other things they need to survive. These children have very little rights. Every child should have equal rights and we in Australia have the ability to make a huge difference to the lives of refugees. So I ask you Prime Minister to consider all the points I have made in this letter to you. You have the power to make a change to the lives of millions of desperate children around the world. Sincerely, Phoenix Kyaw Year 5 - Somerset College
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JSM Edition Two
Page 33
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