JSM - Edition Two
A ustralia N eeds T o I ntake M ore C hild R efugees A letter to P rime M inister M alcolm T urnbull - continued Refugees never go back to their countries because of their bad reputation, danger and because their home could be destroyed. The world has more refugees now than ever before. 63.3 Million people worldwide are forcibly displaced. Of those, 15 million are forced to leave their own country. 4.1 Million child refugees have been in exile for more than five years. A very shocking fact is 13,928 children per day are forced to leave their homes. Most refugees are fleeing from war torn countries. There are 9 civil wars in Pakistan and Nigeria alone not to mention other civil wars around the world. Secondary, upon learning that the refugee problem is so massive on a world wide scale, I was disappointed to discover that Australia takes in such a small amount of refugees each year compared to some other countries. The following shows countries and the current number of refugees living there. • Pakistan-1,616,507 • Iran-857,345 • Lebanon-856,546 • Turkey-609,938 • Jordan-641,915 • Kaya-534,938 • Chad-434,479 • Ethiopia-433,936 • China-301,047 • US-262,662 • Canada-160,349 • Australia-34,503 • Russia-3,458 • Mexico-1,831 • Thailand-136,499 • Indonesia-3,206 • Papua New Ginnea-9,378 • Italy-78,061 • South Africa-65,811 • New Zearland-1,403
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JSM Edition Two
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