JSM - Edition Two
C hallenges A nd O pportunities L ocally A nd G lobally - continued
Is/has progress in this area being made? There is progress being made in providing better health care to children around the world. UNICEF and similar charities are impacting on this challenge by disease prevention strategies, funding health care facilities and medicine and training more people in third world countries to administer better treatment. First world countries are also contributing to progress in better healthcare for children as well because a lot of parents or adults are donating to charities that help unhealthy children all around the world. There has been progress made because most schools on the Gold Coast are donating to charities to do with unhealthy children and the money that has been donated is assisting a lot of children all around the world. There is more awareness in developed countries of the need to sponsor children in poor countries who are unhealthy and cannot afford clean water or fresh food. There are a lot of philanthropists around the world that are donating huge amounts of money to chil- dren that are poor and unhealthy. Conclusion Child health is a very important issue affecting children worldwide. Health issues vary from one region to another. Many of the children suffering from preventable childhood disease live in third world countries. The majority of these diseases don’t affect children in developed nations because they have better healthcare, education and access to the correct medicines. It is very sad that many children around the world still suffer or die from diseases that can be either prevented or treated. I believe every child, regardless of where they live, how much money their parents have or what their nationality is, should have an equal opportunity to access a good standard of medical care. It is encouraging to see organisations such as UNICEF helping children internationally achieve the right to better quality of life, good quality medical supplies and the assistance they need to grow into healthy adults.
M atthew N ickels Y ear 5P
JSM Edition Two
Page 27
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