JSM - Edition Two
L ove I s T hicker T han B lood - continued
“That’s Russian for you can go now , by the way,” whispered Barbara into Gary’s ear. “We should learn Russian since she is probably going to only speak Russian,” Gary whispered back. “Don’t worry. She is from an English speaking orphanage,” Barbara uttered pulling their bag from the overhead locker and following the snake of people out of the aircraft. After going through customs and collecting their baggage they caught a taxi to the motel so they could get a good night’s rest before their big day ahead. At exactly midnight, Barbara’s kookaburra alarm clock went off with the sharp sound of a kookaburra laughing. She jumped out of bed, had a shower, got changed and then woke Gary up. “What time is it?” he groaned. “I don’t know probably 8.00am by now,” guessed Barbara. Gary rolled over and scanned the clock. He rubbed his eyes and stared at the time. “No Barbara it’s 1.00am in the morning!!!!” Gary yawned throwing the blankets over his head. “Oh I must have gotten the time zones mixed up. I guess I’ll just go back to bed,” Barbara sighed flopping onto the bed and then slowly drifting back to sleep. Gary woke up first. Once again he turned to his side and glanced at the old copper clock. “Oh no, Barbara, it’s already 9.00am. We need to be there by 10.00am!!!!” Gary exclaimed. “Ok Gary, before we get upset, let’s make a plan. I’ll get my makeup and brush so I can get ready in the car and I’m already dressed so that’s not a problem. You need to get dressed and get breakfast that we can eat in the car. Meanwhile I’ll get her welcome present and the other stuff,” Barbara said grabbing her things. “Sounds like a plan,” Gary responded while getting ready and leaving to get breakfast. “Oh and get me a coffee, would you?” she added. They both got to the car at the same time and it was only quarter past nine so if it took the expected time they would get there with five minutes to spare. In the car Barbara wrapped the present, ate breakfast, did her make-up and hair all in the forty minutes it took to get there. They didn’t really make a good first impression on the girls that were staring at them through the lounge room window. Mr and Mrs Wilkerson where both a bit frazzled when getting out of the car. They had food all over them and a present that was messily wrapped and Barbara even had a streak of bright red lipstick across her face from when Gary suddenly stopped the car. It took a second or two but they eventually got it together. Barbara knocked on the door softly then walked in with Gary to find eight girls in a line up all in pink fluffy dresses. They all had really big fake smiles on their faces. Even though Barbara knew they were fake, she went along with it and just pretended they were all so happy to be stuck in an orphanage with no parents or relatives to truly love them. “Where are the staff?” Barbara asked the girls.
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JSM Edition Two
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