JSM - Edition Three

N ever S ay N ever - continued

I was over the moon when I had sent it via the post man and was lying happily on my bed when mum called me down for dinner. I raced down the stair well to a delicious lasagna awaiting me, mum and dad were already sitting at the dining table whispering about something but when I came down to eat they stopped immediately and greeted me with two cheeky grins like school kids who have misbehaved. I ate dinner in silence and ran back up to my room and was fast asleep in minutes. I had the best sleep I had since I moved here which happened to be 2 years ago. I slept like a log all night and woke up in the best mood possible! Today was Sunday and the best day I had a play date with Mila and we had a bake off where we had to make cupcakes and then we had a fashion show for Mila’s parents, Kendra and Dean they both are real estate agents that work from home and are really nice. Mila’s dogs Max and Milly shook both my hands and we dressed Max up in glasses, bow tie and a vest and we dressed Milly up in bow, scarf and two pairs of Kendra’s old high heels that at the end the dogs chewed to death. When I got home I was exhausted beyond belief I fell asleep within seconds. T he P lay D ate

20 years later : T he N ew G eneration

“Madeline, I’m so glad to see you,” said Claire.

Who is that mum?” whispered Harper.

“Who is that mum?” whispered Lilianna.

Lilianna was Madeline’s daughter and Harper was Claire’s son. Liliana inherited her mothers looks as she had blonde her and green eyes. Madeline and Lilianna looked identical, only Lilianna was smaller. Harper had inherited his mom’s looks as well except one had shorter hair. Madeline and Claire sent their children off to the play gym at the shopping center. The children got on like two peas in a pod. Since their parents were staying together forever and never moving again so they had the best time of their lives. Meanwhile the two girls sat down on a bench it had been years since they spoke face to face and they just couldn’t find anything to talk about because they had written to each other for Years …and years to come. As for Piper, she grew up to be an actress and never got sick again. She had one child who is currently 2 years old. She is a very naughty toddler. A real handful for Piper and her husband. Piper moved back to the city after she got better. Unlike Claire, who on her 18th birthday, moved back to her precious cottage. Madeline moved back to the city to send Lilianna to their old school. Back to Mila who had a child of their own.

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JSM Edition Three

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