JSM - Edition Three
S unny the B utterfly
“Hey Flora, do you know where Lily is?”
“Yes Sunny, she is in the meadow,” said Flora.
“Ok, thanks,” replied Sunny.
“Hey Sunny, would you like me to come with you?” asked Flora.
“Yes please Flora, that would be wonderful.”
“Ok, lets go.” So they flew away into the meadow.
“Hi Lily, where have you two been?” asked Sunny.
“We have been all the way down the river.” Lily replied.
“I have been looking for you! Flora helped me find you,” said Sunny.
“I wondered if you were looking for me?” said Lily. Then we all decided to fly to Sunny’s cafe where we sat and had lunch and enjoyed hot chocolate. We really enjoyed our lunch and then we headed off down the river and watched frogs jump from lily pad to lily pad and with our fluttery wings we flew into the beautiful meadow. We played a few games, we played sleeping butterflies and then we soared above grey clouds. We rushed to Lily’s house and played games. It was much more fun being outside. Sometimes we play inside with my butterfly friends but today we will play outside. I like my idea, but I need to ask my friends, Sunny said to herself.
“Flora and Lily, I have an idea,” announced Sunny.
“What?” said Lily.
“Some days we should play inside, some days we can play outside.” Sunny said.
“Wow, that’s a good idea,” said Flora.
Lily’s mum arrived back from work to ask Sunny and Flora if they would like to stay.
“Yes please,” they said together. So they both went to their homes and packed a bag with their paja- mas, toothbrush and clothes for the morning and some toys in another bag. They asked their parents if they could stay and they were both allowed.
The butterflies enjoyed dinner while Lily’s mum set up the beds.
“Thank you,” said Sunny and Flora for dinner. “It was lovely.”
“No problem,” said Lily’s mum.
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JSM Edition Three
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