JSM - Edition Three
N ature G irls and the M ission to F ind C rystal
Chapter 7 The Battle “Growl!”
“Diamond, you transformed!” Lilac exclaimed excitedly. “So have you!” Diamond replied excitedly. “Crystal arrow!” the crystal crawler yelled, as a million crystal pointed arrows shot from him.
“Poison ivy shield!” Diamond screamed. “Bee sting kick!” yelled Lilac. “Sleep pollen!” yelled Diamond at the same time.
“Diamond and crystal shield!” screamed the crystal crawler.
“Power zap!” yelled the crystal crawler, and a gigantic beam shot from a crystal on him.
“You missed us!” laughed Lilac.
“Oh, no I did not,” replied the crystal crawler. “It got bluebell!” Daffodil screamed.
Chapter 8 The Rescue
“We need to get out of here!” yelled Diamond.
“Yeah!” yelled Rosette, so they ran to a place that they thought was safe. They made a very good plan, and they started it. Diamond went and started battling the crystal crawler. Lilac went around with cheetah speed, tying the crystal crawler up. Sunny and Daffodil made light to weaken the crystal crawler, and Rosette and Angel sprinkled pixie dust over his power crystal. After a while he got so weak he surrendered and gave princess Crystal and Bluebell back, and all their power back.
How are they getting home?
The end.
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JSM Edition Three
Page 31
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