JSM - Edition Three
N ature G irls and the M ission to F ind C rystal
Chapter 1 The Beginning!
One night a sparkle of pixie dust sparkled in the air, before falling gently on Diamond and Lilac’s noses. They woke up to see five little fairies.
“Who are you?” said Diamond and Lilac.
“We are your helper fairies. Our names are Rosella, Bluebell, Daffodil, Sunny and Angel.”
“We could help you, but our magic is weak” said Bluebell, the fairy dressed in violet.
“Oh, no” said Diamond.
“How can we help?” said Lilac.
“We need you to help us find Crystal. She’s the fairy princess. She keeps the group together. We’re lost without her” said Diamond, the fairy dressed in yellow. “We’re on the job,” said Diamond and Lilac together. They got dressed and ready and snuck out the door.
“Where was the last place you saw Crystal, Rosella?” asked Diamond.
“In the Crystal Caves.”
Chapter 2 Outside the Crystal Caves Finally, they arrived at the caves. Diamond asked the fairies “Where abouts was she when you last saw her?”
“At the Heart Stone,” said Angel, the fairy in the white and yellow dress.
Lilac remembered something. “Are there any creatures that live there?”
“The last time creatures were seen there was back in the 1980’s,” said Sunny, the fairy in the orange dress.
“It was the Crystal Crawler,” said Rosella.
“The Crystal Crawler? I didn’t think that was real!” said Diamond.
“It was really, that’s for sure!” said Angel. “It almost caught Daffodil’s Mum one day.”
“There’s no time to lose! Let’s go in,” said Diamond.
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JSM Edition Three
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