JSM - Edition One
B ooks V s B ooks
Dear Mum, It would be crazy to not let me read Harry Potter because Harry Potter is as thick as the classics, it gives me an amazing vocabulary the same as the classics. It also gives children a love to read more and more books including the classics. Firstly, Harry Potter is huge and thick, the same as the classics and probably even thicker than some classics. It is definitely thicker and has more words than Anne of Green Gables. I have compared both novels. Secondly, Harry Potter books give you an outstanding vocabulary. It contains as many new words as the classics do. For instance, Harry Potter has taught me “duck footed, invoked” and even taught me “Goblet”. Finally, Harry Potter is an all time favourite and children like me want to be inspired to read more books. Not just Harry Potter books, but other books. Similarly to me, lots of people love reading and now Harry Potter is regarded as a classic that should be read before the other classics. So therefore, that is why I believe without a doubt that you should let me read Harry Potter! I am not saying that the classics aren’t amazing. That concludes why I should freely be able to read Harry Potter books whenever I like. Yours sincerely, Abigail
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JSM Edition 0ne e o
Page 67
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