JSM - Edition One
Y ear 5 S uperheroes
My Superhero is called CAPTAIN-ZOOM. His powers are running and supervision and speed and his gadgets are gas bombs and mini bombs that knock people out so they are easy to take to jail. My Superheros learner profile is a risk taker because he risks his life to save people’s lives and makes Metro City a better place. He also inspires other people to do better in everything they can do no matter who they are or what they like. As he risk takes he also takes risks on his choices so what’s for the best in not just the present but what the future holds in store. This is my Superhero.
J ames K irby Y ear 5H
My name is Animated Annie. I am a fantastic superhero with lots of superpowers and super gadgets. Some of my superpowers include that I can transform into any actress or actor that I want. I can also be superfast learning my script and other people’s scripts because I am a communicator, principled and a thinker. I also have a laser gun and a special mask to see through walls. During the sessions I have shown the learner profile of open minded because I have always wanted to learn more things. I have enjoyed doing this piece and creating Animated Annie.
T atiana L eon Y ear 5W
Page 40
JSM Edition One
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