JSM - Edition One
Y ear 5 S uperheroes
Hello, I am tangled vines, and my side kick Mr Moustache. I save the day with my trusty glitter gloves and my power to change any of my body parts into an animal. My glitter gloves grow vines that make objects that help my save the day, like a boomerang. I am a risk-taker and caring person. I risk my life to save a family in a burning house, I care for everyone in the city, even the bad guys. On the other hand, Mr Moustache can summon lighting and turn his moustache into fists. Together we save the day.
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This unit of art we created are own super heroes. My hero’s personality traits were a justice fighter protecting the world she also has a passion for basketball and fire lighting with these to combinations she becomes an unstoppable force. This inquiry is actually linked to our current inquiry about eminent individuals. This link is because both super heroes and eminent people have the power to change the world.
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JSM Edition 0ne
Page 37
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