JSM - Edition One
S olar P ower Just imagine in the middle of winter having it 20 degrees, How horrible would that be! That’s what the world is going to be like in 50 years if we don’t stop using fossil fuels. I think that the Gold Coast most definitely must use solar energy. If you choose solar, get ready for ready for jumpers again because you could help save winters and hopefully, help encourage solar all over the planet. It will be revolutionary all over the country. I think that solar is an amazingly worthwhile investment, in that it would have many, many advantages on the Gold Coast and here are a few. Firstly, the Gold Coast is an extremely sunny place, It has approximately 245 sunny and fine days per year. Solar cells are also a great advantage because they make absolutely no noise whatsoever. They would be great to have on your house or on a headland at the beach. They’re also a constant power source so even if the sun isn’t out one day, we can always rely on it to come out the next day. So, the aforementioned clearly states why solar has many advantages. Some other resources are not as good as solar power and here is why. Think to yourself “Just how would we get on with biomass?” I know the answer, we can’t! Biomass takes way too long to grow and besides, where are we going to get the hand to grow the crops? It’s not like we can just go and tear up people’s houses to grow crops. And wave energy – do we really want our oceans to look horrible for tourists and limit the area for boats? We also have long periods of time without wind. If you choose wind, you can’t get energy from anywhere else so you just can’t have any resource other than solar. As you can see in all of the above, the Gold Coast just needs solar power energy. Solar has many benefits and you can’t have any other resource. So this is why it is most important that we have solar!
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JSM Edition 0ne
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