JSM - Edition One
M ark J effery Ya stupid kids want to know about me? Ok I’ll tell ya on one condition! You don’t tell anyone else about me. If ya do I’ll find ya. Born 1825 in Cambridge, England but never saw me Ma. Pa said she died when I was two, but I fink he is just a dirty liar. Wasted all our money on stupid drinks! No food for me so I scavenged! I was scared when he was drunk. Pa screamed and punched me. I was finished with me father abusing me, so I ran away from home. Life very difficult! Used me wits and snitched whatever I could. Many times almost caught but alas one day I was caught. I spied a buck man and saw my chance. Sadly I tripped over and dropped the wallet and the law caught up with me. 15 Years transportation and was I mad! I saw someone laughing at me so I beat him up. He deserved it but that gave me a lifer! In April 1850 I was sent to Norfolk Island. For two years the Commandant John Price made my life so miserable with punishments for nothing! In 1852 I was sent to Port Arthur and stayed there for three more darn years. Until at last I was free. I was always in and out of trouble and within 12 months I was back in prison. I couldn’t keep me mouth shut and was always up for a fight. By now I was quite a sick man (cough) (cough) and the heavy chains around me legs had sapped me strength over the years. I finally got my ticket of leave in 1859. After that I got 19 convictions for assault and abusive language. I cared little! I was sent away and brought back many times. I injured my leg and the doctor did nothing, which was a complete injustice. I tried to murder the doctor. It was useless and I was sent to the Isle of Dead as gravedigger! It was better there as I was on me own. I could bake me bread and keep outta trouble. Until one night Satan visited me! I begged to leave as I knew death was near!
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Page 22
JSM Edition One
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