JSM - Edition One
T he M ountain O f R ain It was a dark and mystical night with a single cloud in the sky. Bu was having trouble falling asleep. Finally, he dozed off into a deep sleep. When Bu awake from his sleep the air felt less moist and very humid. He came out from his cave and couldn’t see the lake that was normally outside his cave. In Madagascar there are many healthy trees and different coloured flowers, with rising temperatures each day. All of a sudden a horrible thought rushed through Bu’s head as if his thoughts were having a running race and the bad thought won. Bu said out loud, “why Godog are you giving us a drought?” Godog is a mystical man who no one has ever seen. People say he lives on top of a very high moun- tain: The Mountain of the Rain. Bu had a bad feeling in his stomach. He knew that he had to be the one to go to Godog and ask for rain. After a day of preparation Bu started his hike to seek Godog to request rain. Along the way, amongst the misty of the forest, he saw a model like figure standing in the distance. “Who is there?” Ques- tioned Bu. There was no reply. The model like figure was getting closer. Bu had a club in his hand made out of the old oak tree wood. This club was given to Bu from his Mum and Dad who had passed away when Bu was four summers old. Bu wasn’t the typical kind of boy you would usually see. He was a small chubby with a hunched back. When the figure finally got close enough for Bu to see. It was a… tall and very elegant girl. Bu in- stantly fell in love. “What are you doing here?“ Protested the girl in a very sleepy voice. “I am going up to the Mountain of Rain to seek Godog,” said Bu not really concentrating. “Me too!” The girl replied. “What is your name boy?” “My name is Fri-fru,” she said. A few days passed and Bu was getting really dehydrated. He fainted with a thump on the rough dirt. “Bu, wake up Bu.” Fru-fru was really worried. “Continue the journey without me,” said Bu with his last breath. Fru-fru had to continue. With a few bumps and bruises along the way Fru-Fru finally made it to the top. Fru-fru cried out, “Godog where are you?” “I am here,” replied a cloud in the sky. “You have come to get water, I am no help!” “What?” Fru-fru was in shock. She started to cry and cry and cry. Godog had put a little magic in her tears. Fru-fru’s tears brought water back to Madagascar. With the love Fru-fru had for Bu it also brought Bu back to life. When Fru-fru realised Bu was alive she was over the moon. For as long as Bu and Fru-fru lived Godog would always watch over them.
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JSM Edition 0ne
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