JSM - Edition Four
Adventure Time... Continued from Edition 3
That night, when everyone was asleep, the black thing rushed past Isabella’s bed, then Alexander’s bed. But when it got to Isaac’s bed, it leaned down and then suddenly, snatched at Isaac and shoved him in a brown bag. “HELP!” Isaac yelped, but no-one heard. Isaac twisted and turned, and even tried to rip a hole in the big brown bag, but he couldn’t get out. No-one heard him though and next minute he was gone. The next morning Isaac woke up and hit his head on some metal above him, “Ouch, where am I?” said Isaac. He was stunned at the state of his crazy hair, and he had found himself in a very small cage. “I’m really thirsty,” Isaac yelled out to no-one. Then he looked over at the cage door and saw some water in a bucket and a few crumbs in a bowl. “I’m so thirsty!” Isaac complained again. Then he bolted for the bucket of water and had a big slurp.
As Isabella woke up, she looked over at her left side and saw Oliver and Chase stretching over and yawning. Then she looked over on her right side expecting to see Isaac doing the same, but all she saw was a plain black sleeping bag with no-one in it! “WHERE’S ISAAC!” she yelled and a few of them woke up with a jump. “Be quiet! We’re still asleep!” Oliver said sleepily. “Well now we’re awake because of you,” Oliver added. “But look, this is important. Isaac is gone. He’s not in his sleeping bag and he’s not in sight! Look!! Are you blind? Isaac is gone we’ve got to go save him!” Isabella explained. “Let’s do it!” Alexander said heroically.
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Page 94
JSM Edition Four
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