JSM - Edition Four
R epercussions continued
“Sounds lovely’’ says toothless with his eyes closed. It is kind of weird that he is imagining that. ‘’Snap out of it! What else other information do you have for me?’’ Toothless jolts up and says ‘’ do you want the good or the bad?’’. I say unsurely ‘’ I think I’ll go with the bad news’’. “Well the bad news is most options cost money and the one that don’t are extremely difficult. But the good news is I can tell you where this happens, and why it mostly happens’’. “Throw it at me,” I say happily. Hopefully I can do something with this information’’. Toothless begins another spiel. ‘’ Where do these issues exist? And in your case Johnathon, they are happening everywhere’’. I glare at Toothless. He makes a small chuckle and continues. “They usually happen at home, school, the bus, playgrounds, school hallways, cafeteria and just places with zero supervision. I have recorded a few dot points for you, these are all the acts of bullying that are currently happening to you.” 1) Teasing
2) Talking about hurting someone 3) Leaving kids out on purpose 4) Attacking someone by hitting or yelling at someone “These are feelings you may experience if you have been treated in this way. You may feel 1.) Different 2.) Powerless 3.) Unpopular 4.) Alone “Have you been experiencing any of these feelings?” asked Toothless. “You sound sort of like a therapist”, I reply.
“I’m just trying to help. And anyway, I’m the one giving you information. So go with it” said Toothless. Alright, alright. I think I might be experiencing the powerless feeling. I don’t really feel alone or unpopular. Just powerless I guess” I said back. “Do you feel intimidated by Axel?” asked Toothless. “A little” I said shyly.
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JSM Edition Four
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