JSM - Edition Four
W ho A m I?
I fought for women’s rights, Without provoking fights. I was born on Australian soil, And rallied with a true agitator’s toil I grew up in Adelaide town Not near the queen’s many gowns I went to Adelaide University Where I studied elocution and musical diversity I came to life in 1877 In 1969, I left Earth for heaven I was an excited, extraordinary elocutionist Though the WFL called me a revolutionist I was as confident as most surgeons Which made me important in endless versions Of English votes for women protests That to the government were out o’ tune flautists I went on a caravan trip to let people know ‘bout us Then broke into parliament house which was thus Why I spent a month in jail Just for wrapping myself in chain – mail. I was responsible for the first protest in air Well let’s say we may have gone overboard there We went off course and flew to a farm The cows were angry though we didn’t mean no harm
The airship danced in the breeze Which was as tough as the seas Later I taught kids Montessori style I did that for at least 1 year not really a while
I visited Australia regularly Every few years particularly It was chaos once when I got back
Pankhurst’s followers were going ransack In 1924 I stood for a parliamentary seat I didn’t win – by a man I was beat Though it wasn’t ‘til 1928 when we got what we asked for Gender equality said the government and the law Who am I?
P enelope D eacon Y ear 5P
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JSM Edition Four
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