Introduction to IB Diploma Preparation Pathway
The clearest indication of the acceptance of the IB has been the wide recognition it has received from Ministries of Education and universities around the world. Since the first examinations were administered in 1970 over one million students have earned the Diploma. Many of the them have chosen to continue their studies, often in other countries, by using their IB credentials in making application. IB results are released in December following the November exams. These results automatically go to the Australian University Admissions Centre (UAC) and students apply to university through QTAC and / or relevant equivalent in other Australian states. Students who wish results to go to overseas admission centres or individual universities, must advise the IB Co-ordinator in writing before the end of October. IBDiploma RECOGNITION OF THE The skills that students will develop and refine to support their IB Diploma study over this extended period, have been recognised by recent research. In 2020, a University of Oxford study showed that IB Diploma students develop significantly higher critical thinking skills than those undertaking state-based equivalent curriculum by the end of year 12. In other words, IB Diploma students had enhanced ability to analyse, synthesise and evaluate information, all skills that significantly correlate to university success. Students are encouraged to think independently and drive their own learning, developing excellent time management skills and learners who feel prepared for university and life. Students become more culturally aware and are part of a world learning programme. The IB Diploma is not only globally recognised by universities, but also recognised domestically, where students may receive adjustment scores as well as course credits and exemptions for HL subjects. Melbourne University, Monash University, the Australian National University, Newcastle University, Griffith University, the Queensland University of Technology, the University of Queensland and Bond University have acknowledged the value of the IB Diploma as a pre-eminent university qualification and all have special allocations for students completing the IB Diploma. Increasingly, universities in Australia accept students solely on the basis of their IB Diploma results. The IB Diploma is an internationally recognised qualification and overseas universities consider IB Diploma results directly when offering enrolments. The IB Diploma is not only well recognised by universities, it is also well respected by business leaders. Chairman of Qantas, the AFL and Woodside, Richard Goyder, is a strong supporter of the IB Diploma: “ If the aim of our education system is to turn out well-rounded, inquiring, broad thinking students, the IB does that. Business leaders who know the IB rate it highly, and it is universal when benchmarking education. Through the breadth and quantity of subjects – rather than students being driven to a narrow set just so they and the school can achieve a higher ATAR – the learning process and international benchmarks, my experience is that students who have completed the IB are incredibly well placed for the next part of their life journey. ” - Richard Goyder | Chairman of Qantas, the AFL Commission, Woodside Petroleum and CEO of Wesfarmers 2005 - 2017 ( February, 2021) “ The IB is the ‘Gold Standard’ of International Education. IB is the main source of international students at Oxford.” - Warden of Merton College Oxford
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