Introduction to IB Diploma Preparation Pathway



YEAR 10 2023

YEAR 11 AND 12

1 Language and Literature

IB English A: Literature

IB English A: Literature (HL / SL)

2 Language Acquisition

Italian ab initio French B

ab initio Italian (SL) French B (SL) German B (SL) Japanese (SL)

German B Japanese

3 Individuals and Societies

Economics Business Management Philosophy

Economics (HL/ SL) Business Management (HL/ SL) Philosophy (HL/ SL)

4 Sciences

Biology Chemistry Physics

Biology (HL/ SL) Chemistry (HL/ SL) Physics (HL/ SL)

5 Mathematics

Matehmatcis Analysis and Approaches Matehmatcis Analysis and Approaches (HL/ SL)

6 Arts

Music Visual Arts

Music (HL/ SL) Visual Arts (HL/ SL)

Theory of Knowledge

Introduction to TOK


Extended Essay

Tertiary Engagement (Case Method)

Extended Essay

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)

Some subjects offered are determined by student numbers.

ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS AND CHOOSING SUBJECTS Remember that you need to choose six subjects, one from Groups 1 to 5 and one from Group 6 or a second from Group 3 or 4. Three subjects must be at Higher Level and three at Standard Level. Take into account: • Your interest and ability in the subject • Your commitment to your studies and ability to work independently • Your university and career plans • At Year 11 and 12, if a student who undertakes the IB Diploma wishes to transfer to QCE after one semester, QCAA will record results towards QCE subjects. There are however some com plexities in taking this action, which can be discussed with the Dean of Studies. IB subjects studied at Somerset are recognised by QCAA as eligible to contribute to a QCE. Students who complete the IB Diploma will also receive a Queensland Certifcate of Education (QCE).

“ I am perhaps even more grateful for the other IB subjects I studied, including German, English, Economics, as well as TOK and the Extended Essay. I look back on them fondly and often reflect on how they informed my broader understanding of the world. ” - Dr Casey Linton (Class of 2009)


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