Extended Essays 2021
The argument conveyed by Hobbes can be evaluated as being invalid. This is as
though the argument succeeds logically, there is a false premise at P2. This can be
identified within US Constitution where it is states that, “A well-regulated Militia, being
necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms
shall not be infringed.” 8 This deems the first conclusion as being false as the right to
rebel is inbuilt within the structure of American democracy. Political scientist Hannah
Arendt provides an objection to Hobbes’s claim that people are not able nor required
to rebel against their government. Furthermore, to proclaim that those who are most
knowledgeable and competent will hold power is to deny any claim of leadership from
those who do not fulfil this framework. A requirement to overthrow such a figure is
illogical and a disservice to the state. Contrastingly, when applied to the modern day,
such a system is not aspired towards nor achieved, and such is irrelevant to the course
of this essay as the philosopher does not govern.
Arendt positions the argument for civil disobedience as being enacted by a collective
and effectual only when practised in such a way. Arendt promotes peaceful protest
and dissent without violence alongside the violation of certain laws that are deemed
unjust. A new concept of law is enacted by Arendt focussed on mutual promising. This
promising suggests the ability to revoke power that was delegated to the institution, 9
as the original agreement is dishonoured. This juxtaposes Hobbes’s argument for no
8 constitution.congress.gov. (n.d.). U.S. Constitution - Second Amendment | Resources | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress . [online] Available at:
https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment- 2/#:~:text=A%20well%20regulated%20Militia%2C%20being.
9 Katie Fitzpatrick, Aeon. “Why Hannah Arendt Argued That Henry David Thoreau Misunderstood the Idea of Civil Disobedience.” Scroll.in , scroll.in/article/891604/why-hannah-arendt-argued-that-henry-david-thoreau- misunderstood-the-idea-of-civil-disobedience#:~:text=Arendt%20argues%20that%20for%20an. Accessed 18 July 2021.
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