Extended Essays 2021
Government by AI
Plato’s Rule of Reason
Plato would likely agree that AI are better leaders due to his advocation for rule of reason.
In Republic (375 BCE) and Theaetetus (369 BCE), Plato proposed that the Good is the true and
only desire of human beings, and only rationality amongst the three components in the tripartite
soul allows access to the Good. 4 Therefore, the most rational individual is most capable of
achieving the Good for a polis, hence, is the best leader. This implies that Plato would support
premise 1A. Plato would also support Premise 2 A as his definition of rational decision is
consistent with AI’s behaviour, specifically complete devotion to the Good (if their targeted
outcome can be set as such), and indifference to other desires. Therefore, Plato would support
AI governance.
Plato’s rule of reason is based on an epistemological foundation . Physical appearance is not
as true as the timeless, absolute, and unchangeable ideas. The idea or the form of a being is the
reality whilst the physical existence is merely replica of this form. 5 As the only faculty to
access ideas, rationality is therefore the only access to reality.
Consequentially, rationality is the only access to the reality or the form of the Good which is
the ultimate and only pursuit of human life. Plato argues that conventional pursuits like wealth,
pleasure or honour are means to the end of the Good and not the Good itself. They are good
things that partake in the form of good and were given their usefulness and value. Therefore,
rationality is the only access to the ultimate and only pursuit of human life and the most rational
individual would be the most suitable leader for their capability of achieving the Good society.
4 Tripartite Soul: Plato’s categorization of human contrary desires into the rational, the spirit and the appetite. 5 Platonic Form: The non-physical essence of things, the necessary quality of a being.
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