Extended Essays 2021
Metafiction, temporal distortion, and pastiche are techniques that are evidently used by Italo
Calvino and David Mitchell to establish the concept of an unreliable narrator in their novels.
Each technique is used to challenge readers in accordance with the contemporary Reader
Response Theory in which they must make decisions on what is true or not in the context of
the fictional story. In doing so, Calvino and Mitchell present the narrator as untrustworthy to
the readers. Wayne C. Booth defines a narrator as ‘ reliable when he speaks for or acts in
accordance with the norms of the work, unreliabl e when he does not’ . Through the postmodern
techniques explored, the historical ‘norms’ of the novels are continuously changed and
challenged by mixing the real world and the fictional world, the past with the future and one
genre with another. Calvino and Mitchell both take contemporary author-centred approaches
to their novels, highlighting their role as postmodern authors when challenging historical
beliefs in literature. Both authors craft an unreliable narrator by using postmodern techniques
engaging readers in a contemporary reader- centred approach. By doing this, readers ‘fill the
gaps’ left by narrators in the novels based on their own interpretations and personal
experiences. Mitchell and Calvino strive to embrace the experimentational attitude of the
postmodern movement. In doing so, postmodern techniques, such as metafiction, temporal
distortion, and pastiche are used expertly by Italo Calvino in ‘ If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller ’
and David Mitchell ’s ‘ Cloud Atlas ’ to establish the concept of a n unreliable narrator.
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