Extended Essays 2021
Temporal Distortion
Temporal distortion is a postmodern technique in which a story jumps forwards or backwards
in time. This includes fragmentation in a non-linear order. As discussed, postmodernism
‘deliberately mixes high art with low art, the past with the future or one genre with another’ 24 ;
temporal distortion is a technique by which this is done. By using temporal distortion, time
may also overlap, repeat, or split into multiple possibilities. Again, the Reader Response
Theory becomes prominent as readers must rearrange the novel into a linear timeline or recall
when each event is taking place. Temporal distortion is used by postmodern authors for
strategic reasons. It deliberately ‘breaks the spell of the narrative, reminding [readers] of its
moral complexities, so that [they] do not become uncriticall y engrossed in reading’ 25 .
In IOAWNAT , Calvino declares to readers that “ I like to swim against the stream of time: I
would like to erase the consequences of certain events and restore an initial condition ” 26 . This
metaphor is another example of poioumena, where Calvino tells the readers his view on
linearity and then proceeds to utilise temporal distortion. By Booth’s def inition of an unreliable
narrator, Calvino is ‘misreporting’ , as the author is interrupting the narrator to address his
authorial persona, emphasising the present concept of an unreliable narrator in his novel. In
IOAWNAT , half of the chapters are written in second person and refer to “you” as the reader,
and the other half are about “you” reading a series of short stories, fragments of the same novel.
The chapters are even named accordingly; Chapter One followed by If on a Winter’s Night a
Traveller, Chapter Two, Outside the Town of Malbork and so on. Calvino uses temporal
distortion to ‘split’ his novel into multiple possibilities. Within the novel, each time “you”
replace the book “you” are reading, it becomes a different story altogether. Calvino writes that
24 Beginning Theory. Peter Barry, 1995 25 Beginning Theory. Peter Barry, 1995 26 IOAWNAT – Page 10
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