Extended Essays 2021
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller (1979) by Italo Calvino is one of the most famous
postmodern novels and Cloud Atlas (2004) is a more recent rendition of the postmodern genre.
Postmodernism was a late 20 th century movement that followed modernism and has been
current since the 1980s. These movements dominated arts and culture in the 20 th century and
influenced much of the structure of practices in music, painting, literature, and architecture 1 .
In all the arts, what had been the most fundamental elements of practice were challenged and
rejected. In literature, there was a rejection of traditional realism in favour of experimental
forms of various kinds 2 , which is evident in the works of Calvino and Mitchell.
Historical literary approaches supported the notion that ‘literature was an instrument of social
stability, not of social change’ 3 . As a contemporary movement, postmodernism changed the
view on this. In fact, postmodernism rejects the historically distinctive boundaries between
high and low art. It deliberately mixes high art with low art, the past with the future or one
genre with another 4 . In his Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory , J.A. Cuddon
describes postmodernism as characterised by ‘an electric approach, [by liking for] aleatory
writing, parody and pastiche’ 5 . These elements combined allow postmodernists to achieve the
mixing of ‘high’ and ‘low’ art, a prominent feature of postmodernism.
The term ‘unreliable narrator’ was first used by Wayne C. Booth in his book The Rhetoric of
Fiction . Booth states that he has ‘ called a narrator reliable when he speaks for or acts in
1 Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory . Peter Barry, 1995 2 Beginning Theory. Peter Barry, 1995 3 Culture and Anarchy. Matthew Arnold, 1869 4 Postmodernism . Nasrullah Mambrol. 5 J.A. Cuddon Book (5 th edition, page 533)
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