Extended Essays 2021

both these facets were mutually compatible, neatly dove-tailing to give Citizens the best of all possible world. 25

In On Liberty, Mill defines individuality as the dynamic force in any civilised society, without

which progress would be impossible, an aspect which is limited in Plato’s argument. 26

However, is this applicable to real-life affairs and can democracy truly yield utility to the

society and to the state? As seen by the actions of the Trump supporters, is this not a clear

indication of a tyranny of the majority? Ultimately, Mill supports democracy, except the

‘tyranny of the majority’; whereas Plato objects e ntirely to the democratic state. Plato affirms

in The Republic that the democratic regime is established when “the poor win the day, killing

some of the opposite party”, which were some of the intentions in which Trump supporters had

when storming the capitol. 27 Moreover, how valid and applicable is democracy being “both an

end it itself and a means to an end” within modern day society? This argument seems inherently

impractical given the similarities between the Trump situation which resembles a ‘tyranny of

the majority’, supporting Plato’s anti -despotic argument. However, other philosophers have

disputed Mill’s argument, such as Thomas Hobbes, who promotes absolute monarchy as the

best form of government.

Thomas Hobbes argues for absolute monarchy is his landmark work, Leviathan. 28 This

argument stems from his belief that human beings are, at their core, selfish and “will fight for

their own interests first”. According to Hobbes, if man is placed in a state of nature, humans

would be in a constant state of warfare. Hobbes asserts that life of a man in his natural state is

25 Smart, Paul. 2021. "'Some Will Be More Equal Than Others'".

26 Mill, John Stuart. 1859. On liberty . London: John W. Parker and Son, West Strand.

27 Plato. Plato's The Republic Book VIII. New York :Books, Inc., 1943. 28 Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. Leviathan. Baltimore :Penguin Books, 1968.


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