Extended Essays 2021
Thus, Aristotle believed in the wisdom of the crowds and characterises his polity accordingly.
Aristotle condemns democracy as a corruption of Polity and seen as anarchic mob rule, but
democracy, according to Aristotle, is the least ‘bad’ form of government. Concomitantly,
Aristotle would support Plato’s forecast to an extent as he agrees that tyranny can arise from a
tyranny, however he would amend his argument and postulate that this system is not the worst
for governing America. Aristotle would note that a polity could be achieved whereby citizens
achieve a common grade of virtue and where no group is in a position to abuse its rights.
However, it appears as though Trump has abused his right which fails to prove his polity
concept, and thus is was becoming a breeding ground for tyranny predicted by Plato.
Without being bound by explicit legislation and without the achievement of a balanced
Aristotelian mixed constitution, it can be seen as impossible for democracy to not degenerate
into a tyranny. Even if we were to accept Locke’s argument for equality leading to ultimate
justice, the storming of the capitol example proves how this equality is abused as supporters
became manipulated and under the “chaotic rule” of a “lawless man”. Subseq uently, if we
accepted Aristotle’s mixed constitution in order to form a polity, despite being a sound
argument, it can become easily perverted and transcend into a tyranny.
Therefore, Plato supersedes these flaws and predicted this emergence of tyranny in America.
That said, it must be acknowledged that Plato’s assertions on the perversions of democracy are
emphatically countered by philosophers such as Locke, Mill and Rousseau. And it is to these
pro-democracy arguments that I now turn.
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