Extended Essays 2021
citizens are conflicted by their democratic values in that “being all equal and independent, no
one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions”, as this incident on 6
January, 2021, contradicts this entirely. Hence, Loc ke’s postulation can be effective when a
democratic system is lead properly, however in the case of America, Plato’s scrutinises this
abusing of freedom and postulates that it will inevitably result in the formation of a tyranny.
Perhaps when Plato’s anti - despotic argument fails to discuss the application of a “mixed”
constitution is where Aristotle’s intermediate argument supersede s. Plato argues “In a
democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and
the will of the majority is supreme. ” 20 Aristotle condemns Plato that democracy is the most
undesirable form of government, and proceeds to express how it is not inherently bad.
Plato postulates constitutional government whereby masses are granted citizenships with the
aim of having everyone’s interest in mind. Here, Plato is compromising between the demands
of both the rich and the poor and constructs polity, 21 which he deems a virtuous form of
government. Aristotle would find Plato’s comment on democracy sound, notin g that there are
better ways to govern, and tyranny can indeed arise from democracy. However, Aristotle
amends Plato’s argument and claims “none of the principles on which men claim to rule, and
hold other men in subject to them, are strictly right.” 22 Aristotle argues there is no clear-cut
system which he is against, and admired the aspect of democracy that “if the people are not
utterly degraded, although individually they may be worse judges than those who have special
knowledge, as a body they are as good or better”.
20 Plato. Plato's The Republic Book VIII. New York :Books, Inc., 1943. 21 Polity - ruling of the “middle” group 22 Aristotle. Aristotle's Politics. Oxford :Clarendon Press, 1905.
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