Extended Essays 2021

Plato’s deductions are contested by a range of post-Enlightenment philosophers, most notably

proponents of utilitarianism and liberalism.

In contrast to Plato, J.S Mill argues that democracy is a desirable and inherently stable form of

government. According to Mill, the strength of a democratic form of government are notable

and outweigh its vulnerabilities, which can be mitigated. Therefore, a democratic form of

government is the most desirable. Specifically, Mill argues that a democratic method of making

legislation is more sound than non-democratic methods (strategically, epistemically and by

improving the character of democratic citizens).

Plato’s and Mill’s theories critique the democratic form of government and refer to the

problems of demagoguery and tyranny. Plato concludes by arguing for a philosopher-king,

while Mill concludes that the best legislation comes from democratic governing. To evaluate

Plato’s and Mill’s political theories, I have drawn on the supporting and objecting arguments

of John Locke, Aristotle, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

The Thesis – it’s going to get worse

To what extent is Plato’s theory of democracy as a flawed system a prediction of the emergence

of tyranny in the United States?

Both Plato and Mill have compelling contrasting arguments on democracy as a form of

government. Through analysis, I demonstrate the superiority Plato’s of theorising because he

cogently predicted the emergence of demagoguery. Thus, if I extrapolate on Plato, if the

situation in the US was deteriorating towards demagoguery under President Trump, then it is

likely to get even worse.


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