Extended Essays 2021

When applied to the Boogaloo, if a Boogaloo member was to vote for Trump but he

was defeated by Biden, he tacitly consents to Biden’s rule through the principle of

democratic majority rule. 17 As the conditions of the legitimate state are necessary

conditions, both being fulfilled in this manner, the state is legitimate. Therefore, one

must not rebel in an attempt to reinstate the Trumpian government as it does not fulfil

Locke’s framework for the permissibility of insurrection.

Furthermore, the argument for rebellion may be evaluated through Arendt’s defence

of the citizen’s right to dissent. Positioning the individual versus the collective as

paramount to the act of ‘civil disobedience,’ it is evident that the actions of the

‘Boogaloo’ support this assertion. To congregate a s a group and break the law is to

allow effective transformation to occur within society. Arendt deems it necessary for

the collective to focus on injustice and generate means of remedying it. Through the

application of this, the legitimacy of democracy is less important to Arendt than Locke.

As such they reach varying conclusions on the validity of the ‘Boogaloo Boys,’ cause.

Though the government is acceptable, following Locke’s framework, the Boogaloo has

deemed there to be injustice in society which must be amended. The violation of laws

as a collective deems this action synonymous with civil disobedience. The conclusion

derived by Arendt is that the actions of the ‘Boogaloo’ are both moral and necessary.

Kant, through denying the right of rebellion, is presented as being against the actions

of the ‘Boogaloo Boys.’ Primarily, then President Donald Trump’s twitter exchanges

may be evaluated as he writes, “LIBERATE MINESSOTA!” 18 Kant finds that the right

17 Notes on John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government . 18 “In Trump’s ‘LIBERATE’ Tweets, Extremists See a Call to Arms.” NBC News , www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/trump-s-liberate-tweets-extremists-see-call-arms-n1186561.


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