College Captains book 2019
M emorable moments with M r B assingthwaighte
Kydra Walden Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal launch breakfast. Trip to Parliament and Year 7 camp. All of the lunches. Alexandra Gerrard Free lunches. A smooth ride in Mr Bassingthwaighte’s car up to Brisbane. All the little things that made this year just that little bit more special. We have been very lucky to be able to spend time with him and have had the ability to discuss various ideas and plans we would like to see implemented for future years. T he position of C ollege C aptain at S omerset can best be described as ….. Kydra Walden An honour. It truly is a rewarding experience to be part of such a rich and vibrant community. Alexandra Gerrard An adventure. Along the way, you get the opportunity to be involved in various activities and put your ideas forward for changes you’d like to see occur. As well as this, you will go through a big and sometimes stressful year. You will have your ups and downs, your highs and lows but at the end of the year, you will finish with a sense of achievement and triumph. It is an immense privilege to be elected at College Captain, so make the most of it.
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Somerset College Captains Handbook
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