College Captains book 2019
F ive tips for you as successors - A lexandra G errard • Learn to pronounce Mr Bassingthwaighte’s name. As Kydra would know, nothing is more embarrassing than pronouncing his name wrong at one of the biggest ceremonies throughout the school year.
• Stay positive. The year can get hectic at times, but if you keep smiling through it, you’ll find that it goes quickly.
• Encourage and support others. It is important to show your support for others in the College. Sometimes it means more to someone than you know when you show up and give your support for all aspects of the College. • Learn to write speeches. Over the course of your Captaincy, you will have to write a lot of speeches. Learn what makes an effective speech and always speak from the heart.
• Enjoy yourself. Don’t forget to have fun and have a good time. You only get this opportunity once, so make the most of it while you can
A s C ollege C aptains , you get an opportunity to be involved in : Kydra Walden Everything! From Junior School to Senior School, cultural or sporting, you will find yourself involved in many ways. By taking care of the small things, the big things follow suit. Alexandra Gerrard Lots of things. We have had the opportunity to go to charity breakfasts, Year 7 Camp, a trip to Parliament House in Brisbane and even invited to Myall Creek. We have been very lucky with all the opportunities that have been offered to us and we are very grateful to have had the chance to experience so many new and exciting things.
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Somerset College Captains Handbook
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