College Captains book 2019
C ollege C aptains 2019
S omerset C ollege P ersonal S uccess | G lobal O utlook
L eading a L egacy – C ollege C aptains
A word to the Captains from the Captains before...
Kydra Walden College Captain is what you make it. No one will tell you what you have to do, nor will they check to make sure you’ve completed it, but as a Captain it’s your job to lead by example. Furthermore, a Captain on top of Year 12 will see the year flash before their eyes, so make sure you enjoy the moment and make the most of each opportunity.
Alexandra Gerrard Make the position your own. Leave behind a legacy that people will never forget. Seize every opportunity as it comes and be involved in everything you can. Being College Captain is a once in lifetime opportunity so have fun with it and en- joy yourself. Remember to stay positive and smile through the hard stuff. Help others and ask for help when needed. Be grateful for what you have and appreciate those around you. “ Carpe diem.” Make your life extraordinary.
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Somerset College Captains Handbook
W hat does your position entail
Kydra Walden Every aspect of College life. Whether you realise it or not, College Captain is an opportunity to be involved in every aspect of school life. At times you will find yourself dancing to Year 7’s or giving speeches to more people than ever before, however each opportunity is a chance for growth. You are the face of the College and the connection between students, staff and parents. Alexandra Gerrard Being involved in all aspects of College life. From supporting different committees to cheering on teams at various sporting events, it is your job to help out whenever needed. As well as this, it is your job to reflect the College’s values through your behaviour and attitude.
F ive tips for you as successors - K ydra W alden
• Be involved - make sure you give everything your best effort.
• Be approachable - a lot of people look up to you, be prepared to listen.
• Say hi and greet with a smile - you might just make someone’s day.
• Stay organised - Year 12 is a sprint to the finish. Stay in your lane and keep your eyes on the road. • • Be yourself - lead by example and be true to who you are.
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Somerset College Captains Handbook
F ive tips for you as successors - A lexandra G errard • Learn to pronounce Mr Bassingthwaighte’s name. As Kydra would know, nothing is more embarrassing than pronouncing his name wrong at one of the biggest ceremonies throughout the school year.
• Stay positive. The year can get hectic at times, but if you keep smiling through it, you’ll find that it goes quickly.
• Encourage and support others. It is important to show your support for others in the College. Sometimes it means more to someone than you know when you show up and give your support for all aspects of the College. • Learn to write speeches. Over the course of your Captaincy, you will have to write a lot of speeches. Learn what makes an effective speech and always speak from the heart.
• Enjoy yourself. Don’t forget to have fun and have a good time. You only get this opportunity once, so make the most of it while you can
A s C ollege C aptains , you get an opportunity to be involved in : Kydra Walden Everything! From Junior School to Senior School, cultural or sporting, you will find yourself involved in many ways. By taking care of the small things, the big things follow suit. Alexandra Gerrard Lots of things. We have had the opportunity to go to charity breakfasts, Year 7 Camp, a trip to Parliament House in Brisbane and even invited to Myall Creek. We have been very lucky with all the opportunities that have been offered to us and we are very grateful to have had the chance to experience so many new and exciting things.
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Somerset College Captains Handbook
L ooking B ack
Highlight of my Captaincy - Kydra Walden The highlight of my Captaincy was the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal breakfast. It was inspiring hearing the efforts made by the Salvation Army to impact the lives of those less fortunate. It was eye-opening to see the true extent of the homeless crisis on the Gold Coast. Highlight of my Captaincy - Alexandra Gerrard The main highlight for me was a breakfast that we were honoured enough to be invited to for the Salvation Army. Whilst we were there, we listened to the story of a man called Andrew Archer, who had overcome extreme adversity to become the incredible man he is today. Hearing his story was inspiring and it encouraged me to not only live my life to the full but also inspire others around me to do the same. Unexpected things that happened during my Captaincy - Kydra Walden I was given the opportunity to go on the College’s first ever trip to Myall Creek. I can honestly say that the Mayall Creek trip was a highlight of my Senior schooling and for anyone reading this I hope grasp the opportunity should it come your way. It’s a trip that has to be experienced as words don’t do it justice. Unexpected things that happened during my Captaincy - Alexandra Gerrard One of the biggest things that I never expected to happen would be the change in the student leadership system and having the opportunity to mentor the College Captain-elects. It is very exciting times and I cannot wait to have the chance to get to know the College Captains for 2019. As well as this, I never thought I’d get the chance to go and see the Queensland government in action or have the opportunity to meet some very influential people and yet all of this has happened because of my position as College Captain. The unexpected things can sometimes turn out to be some of the best memories you make throughout the year.
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Somerset College Captains Handbook
M emorable moments with M r B assingthwaighte
Kydra Walden Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal launch breakfast. Trip to Parliament and Year 7 camp. All of the lunches. Alexandra Gerrard Free lunches. A smooth ride in Mr Bassingthwaighte’s car up to Brisbane. All the little things that made this year just that little bit more special. We have been very lucky to be able to spend time with him and have had the ability to discuss various ideas and plans we would like to see implemented for future years. T he position of C ollege C aptain at S omerset can best be described as ….. Kydra Walden An honour. It truly is a rewarding experience to be part of such a rich and vibrant community. Alexandra Gerrard An adventure. Along the way, you get the opportunity to be involved in various activities and put your ideas forward for changes you’d like to see occur. As well as this, you will go through a big and sometimes stressful year. You will have your ups and downs, your highs and lows but at the end of the year, you will finish with a sense of achievement and triumph. It is an immense privilege to be elected at College Captain, so make the most of it.
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Somerset College Captains Handbook
T hings i will miss most about my C aptaincy
Kydra Walden The conversations you find yourself having. As Captain I encounter so many different individuals by chance, and over the course of a conversa- tion you gain an insight into the lives of others. Alexandra Gerrard The friends I made along the way. Over the course of the year, I have had the opportunity to talk with people from all year levels starting from prep. It has been remarkable to spend time with some of the most vibrant and amazing people I have ever met.
M y advice to you is …
Kydra Walden Learn how to pronounce Mr Bassingthwaighte’s name...
Make the most of your time in Year 12 because the year will fly by. Build positive relationships and immerse yourself into the community because you never know what will eventuate. Most importantly, leave the College a little better, more-well-rounded individual than the one that started. You don’t have to make drastic changes. Alexandra Gerrard Be kind and be positive. You have a big influence on those around you, so lead by example and help anyone who needs helping. However as well as that, don’t be afraid to ask for help yourself. Year 12 can be a hard year and therefore it can sometimes be difficult to stay bright and bubbly all the time, but that’s ok. You will have good days and you will have bad days, just remember to do your best and be kind to others. Never forget that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so make the most of it while it lasts.
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Somerset College Captains Handbook
C ollege C aptains 2019
Kevin Song
Vivi Baker
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G oal S etting 2019
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Somerset College Captains Handbook
S omerset C ollege P ersonal S uccess | G lobal O utlook Somerset College ABN 54 010 343 227 CRICOS Provider 00521G Address Somerset Drive, Mudgeeraba, Queensland 4213 Telephone 07 5559 7100 Facsimile 07 5559 7345 Email Website
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