Chapel Sacristans Handbook 2019
C hapel S acristans 2019
S omerset C ollege P ersonal S uccess | G lobal O utlook
L eading a L egacy – C hapel S acristans
A word to the Captains from the Captains before...
Fletcher Braithwaite and Gwyneth Van Broekhuizen
Make the most of the year as Year 12 goes by fast. Before you know it, you’ll passing down your legacy to the next captain. Make sure you set your- self challenging yet attainable goals for the year to make your time as a Captain more rewarding. A leadership position is a fantastic opportunity so be the best you can be and of course, have fun.
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Somerset College Chapel Sacristans Handbook
W hat does your position entail
The position of Chapel Sacristan entails a fair amount of organization in terms of the assisting the Heads of Houses with the chapels and other chapels such as ANZAC day, Easter and the Sacristans Chapel. The Sacristans Chapel is definitely an occasion in which we are most involved as it is up to you to decide what theme you would like to explore, and the types of readings, poems and prayers you would like. Sacristans spend the majority of their role saying prayers at formal ceremonies such as Founders day and the investiture service. Another aspect of the role is composing and saying the graces for the 3 central year 12 dinner functions held throughout the year: Investiture dinner, the Senior Ball and the Valedictory dinner.
F ive tips for you as successors
• Be accustomed to balancing the House Chapels with your school work as these occur when year 12 is at its busiest.
• Improve your arm balance so that you don’t hit the cross on the roof when recessing and processing.
• Practice your skills in google and bible deep diving in order to find the best suited readings for chapels.
• Practice pronouncing your readings and prayers before important ceremonies so that when you say them your diction and pronunciation is perfect.
• Don’t rush when speaking in front of a larger crowd, especially in the school and lord’s prayers.
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Somerset College Chapel Sacristans Handbook
A s C hapel S acristans , you get an opportunity to be involved in : Although the majority of the role of a Chapel Sacristans is at formal occasions when saying prayers and readings, they also get the opportunity to have a say in the chapels throughout the year, especially in terms of the themes and the readings. Within this, it also gives you the opportunity to set certain goals for what you want the chapels to be like. This year, we focused primarily on diversifying the religious aspects in the Chapels. Instead of using only Christian readings and prayers, we decided to use other religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism. We believed this was important as with an increasingly multi- cultural school, it is vital that everyone during the chapels feels included and as though they can relate with the themes. It also creates an opportunity for those who normally are not involved in house chapels to take part as they no longer feel excluded. As Chapel Sacristans, you can create your own goals for the year for example, increasing participation in service within the College. Highlight of our Captaincy My main highlight of the year was definitely being able to diversify the Chapels by including readings, prayers and themes from other religions. I thoroughly enjoyed the idea of having a Chapel meant for everyone. Another enjoyable aspect of the Captaincy was having the opportunity to produce and say the Graces for the year 12 ceremonies as it was great to have a prominent involvement in our senior dinners. Unexpected things that happened during our Captaincy There was nothing extremely unexpected throughout my Captaincy. However, there was that one moment when Mrs Roberts yelled at me for saying ‘lettuce’ instead of ‘let us’ when rehearsing a prayer for Founder’s day. That was some bad English on my behalf. L ooking B ack
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Somerset College Chapel Sacristans Handbook
M emorable moments with M r G azal Throughout the year, Mr Gazal has helped us as Sacristans to achieve all of our goals for the services. He would often help us in finding readings from different religions and allowed us the freedom to choose our own theme for the Sacristans Chapel. Without his help and organization of chapels throughout busy times we would not have been able to make it through the captaincy as smoothly. T he position of C hapel S acristan at S omerset can best be described as ….. an outstanding opportunity to make the Chapels at school as influential as possible. T hings we will miss most about our C aptaincy Mostly of course, the organization of the various chapels and being involved in the important functions and ceremonies of Somerset. Another aspect that I will miss is definitely enjoying a leadership role with the other captains whether its laughing at occasions such as Aiden McKeon telling the year 11s they need to manipulative in order to be a house captain, or the termly lunches with Mr. Bassingthwaite.
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Somerset College Chapel Sacristans Handbook
O ur advice to you is … Don’t be afraid to stand out in terms of Chapel themes. Apart from the pointers I stated earlier, I advise that you set a goal for what you want the chapel to be like or what you want to see more of in the Somerset Community and try your best to complete it. It’s also good to be prepared for the Sacristans chapel early as it happens in the 3rd week of the very first term. Finally, if you’re leading the processional, don’t walk to fast and stay in line with your counterpart. I definitely messed up numerous processionals by speed-walking away from Fletcher.
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Somerset College Chapel Sacristans Handbook
C hapel S acristans 2019
Thomas McKenna
Sara Dann
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Somerset College Chapel Sacristans Handbook
G oal S etting 2019
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Somerset College Chapel Sacristans Handbook
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Somerset College Chapel Sacristans Handbook
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Somerset College Chapel Sacristans Handbook
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