Book - Road Back to Kak
She doesn’t acknowledge me, but I have faith in this strange and stoic woman. I hope to see my family again, to hear my real name - Patch - grace my ears. Even if I see them briefly, as long as I can say goodbye. I’m not stupid, I know they’re going to find me. The man who chased me. The masked people who imprisoned me. Coldness sinks into my skin. The air begins to fade from a volcanic red to blue. Light blue - almost white - puffs of air are expelled from the mysterious vents in what the woman had referred to as “the dash”. Dark spots disrupt my vision, and my skin is disturbingly cool. I slowly turn my head to face the driver. Only one thought endures in my mind. I need to get out of this freezing oblivion. Focusing all of my energy, I throw myself towards the door. Her head snaps to face me, terror in her eyes. My energy suddenly disappears. Initially, confusion is crosses her face. It is quickly chased by a sudden realisation, and she swerves to pull over. She hurries to my side of the car, and helps me into the sun. I feel the sun as it revitalises me, and as the warmth courses through my veins my thick muscles strengthen.
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