Book - A Chance to Change
“Hm, I-I thought that you were be understanding and generous to such an important issue...” But before he could continue, Penelope interrupted.
“Look, whatever-your-name-is.” She began to get flustered. “I don’t have time OR the energy to care about insignificant causes like yours. A rich, famous and beautiful woman such as myself needs to channel my focus on becoming even more successful. So, remove yourself from my sight and stop hanging around the set. GOSH!” Hunter, confused and upset, managed to reply; “There’s so much change you could make, if only you used the voice you have. An influential person like you could help us save the world! If only you could see our future if we lived without compassion.” At that very moment, the atmosphere surrounding them both froze in time. A rumbling began to grow from beneath the ground. Both Hunter and Penelope looked around, a great blurry haze surrounding them. The other volunteers, cast and crew of the film stood motionless, as the waves violently pounded into the darkening sand. A grand, silver, bullet train rose from the great ocean and cascaded over the coast. As the steel doors of the train spontaneously opened, a cloud of steam poured across their feet. Hunter, momentarily confused, soon realised his calling to show Penelope the importance of giving to others.
“What have you done!? WHY IS THERE A TRAIN?! How did this happen” Penelope yelled frantically. Her hair swirled in the mighty winds.
Over the crashing waves and howling hurricane. Hunter shouted as loud as he possibly could, “I think we should go in the train...maybe it’ll take us somewhere. It’s our safest bet.”
Without a second thought, Penelope popped her hip, raised her eyebrows and grunted: “Do you really think that I’m going to get in that, with you?!”
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