Book - A Chance to Change
“CUT! No! No! No! No! NO! You’re doing it all wrong! You’re supposed to kiss with passion, excitement! You’re in LOVE! I SHOULD SEE SPARKS FLYING. Sparks I say! We’re going to film more takes, until we get this perfect .” Dan the Director yelled. The sand was glistening, the wind was gently humming, and the waves softly collided onto the shore. It was a calm Summer's’ day at Bondi Beach. They were filming the blockbuster of the year - “A Surfer’s Paradise” - starring world famous actors Penelope Mullin and Jack Morris. It was going to be the Love Story of the century, that would shoot Australian filmmaking into the Hollywood Stratosphere.
“Guys. This isn’t working. Penelope take five, your focus is all over the place.” instructed Dan.
Penelope sighed, crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. The call time for cast and crew had been 4am that morning, and she was already exhausted from her endless night partying. It was a struggle just to stay awake.
“It’s boiling hot and there’s sand all through my hair! Not to mention the fact that I had it curled only an hour ago! Ugh!”
Out the corner of her eye, Penelope noticed a shadow cast over her. She tried turned her head sharply to face it, but a huge gust of wind blew through her quickly-dropping- curls, covering her eyes so she couldn’t see. Penelope, furious about her hair being ruined, screamed at the top of her lungs. As she peeled the blonde curtain away from her face, a wide-eyed man stood clasping a leaf blower in front of her. Behind him was a group of people clothed in similar graphic tees picking up litter from across the shore.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” She shrieked.
“I’m so sorry ma’am. I’m Hunter, head of the Save the Turtles Foundation. Today we’re cleaning the coasts along Sydney. Did you know Plastic will last for more than 1000 years left on a beach? Pollution largely affects our beautiful marine life. Our aim is to
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