Andrews House Plays 2018 - Smells Like Impulse (1)
think she’s your type.
He leaves. The others start filing out — all except the SPACE CASES
SPACE CASE #3Hey — where did everyone go?
SPACE CASE #2 Is it, like, home time or something?
SPACE CASE #3 Is it dark yet?
SPACE CASE #1 I don’t think so.
SPACE CASE #2Has school started yet?
SPACE CASE #1 I don’t think so.
SPACE CASE #3Should we just, like, wander around till we find our class?
SPACE CASE #2All right.
They exit. Blackout. Music.
SYDNEY, BUFFY and HEATHER are standing in a circle gossiping, getting ready to convene the Year 10 Graduation Ball planning meeting. Other students are sitting around chatting quietly.
And so I said to her, I don’t care how much it cost you — go back and ask for a refund! Your hair is, like, a natural disaster.
Yah. The centre part thing is totally prehistoric.
Yah. I mean, I know the 70s are back and all that, but please . Do something original.
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