Andrews House Captains book 2019
L ooking B ack
Highlight of our Captaincy The highlight of our roles as captains would have to be going to Year 7 Camp. Not only was it such a fun day but it really gave us insight into how much of an impact you can have on the younger students. The Year 7s really look up to you and its honestly inspiring to be able to see the influence you can have and then use that to continue to improve the house as the year progresses. Year 7 Camp is also a great way to meet the youngest members of the house who you may not have had the opportunity to meet before. Unexpected things that happened during our Captaincy A gang sign was invented. We aren’t exactly sure when or how but at some point early this year we started doing the Andrews gang sign. Please let it live on. Memorable moments with our head of house Helping make / watching the carnival motivation videos were pretty memorable moments. These get crazier and crazier each carnival and we’ve had lots of laughs sitting in Ms Lee’s office, eating all her mints, marvelling at the quality videos.
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
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