Andrews House Captains book 2019
House Play Festival Personally, we were both heavily involved in this event, I suggest you do the same as it is great fun! But this means a lot of after school rehearsals as well as weekend rehearsal, yes weekend rehearsal! This is also a great opportunity to interact with some members of the house you previously didn’t know, your tightly knit group of performers will come out of this experience greatly rewarded and as very close friends having spent a great experience together. If you aren’t directly involved, make sure to pop in to some of the rehearsals to see how they’re going and let the cast and directors know you’re behind them. Oh, and we’ve won it the last two years, so no pressure! Inter-House Carnivals The House Carnivals are the most chaotic and stressful events of the captaincy role, but they are also the most exciting. Leading up to the carnival you need to make sure everyone is motivated – talk to peers in Year 12 and your PC. Having the year 12s invested in the carnivals filters down into the younger years – you have even more influence than you’d expect. Andrews has a uniquely incredible sense of House pride – the lion attitude – and you’ll see this on the day. Make sure that this attitude continues as it is truly remarkable. Throughout the carnival, you basically need to follow Ms Lee around, do any job that is being asked of you and, in between all that, cheer on, encourage and congratulate the House members. The first carnival, swimming, was difficult but as you learn to work better together and gain a greater understanding of your role, you’ll work more smoothly and efficiently. Also, if the outcome doesn’t reflect the effort put in, use this to continue motivating the House, don’t let it bring the spirit down.
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
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