Andrews House Captains book 2019

T hings we will miss most about our house

It is the lion attitude that we will miss most. Also, with all the students being so invested in a common goal, the teamwork and sense of family grows incredibly strong. This community and spirit is what we will, undeniably, miss most. O ur advice to you is … Above all, keep the lion attitude strong. Don’t let Andrews lose the incredible sense of pride we have. More specifically though, our advice is to keep a balance and keep on top of your schoolwork. Your role as House Captain is very important and you need to be able to attend to this throughout possibly the busiest year at school. If you let it show that the house isn’t a priority, it will filter through to your other Year 12s and then down into the lower grades. Equally, if you remain positive and invested, this will reflect throughout the house as well. Our final piece of advice is simple but critical: as you walk past other Andrews students smile at them and say hi. It may sound like this isn’t all that important but it really shows that you care about the individuals in the house. If they know you care about them, they will be more inclined to not let you down and to try at House events. Also, a smile can always go a long way. As house captains, you have an opportunity to reach every member of Andrews, so try to do this as often and as best as you can.

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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook

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